Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Call McGruff the Crime Dog

I first blogged about Rusty, the stuffed animal on top of Little Saigon, last year on September 11th. It was the second blog post I made for my P.R. class and he was one of the first things I noticed on orientation day. I could hardly believe it then when I looked out the window from W308 on Tuesday and saw that the big lug was gone.

I went to another window to make sure my eyes did not deceive me. 'Maybe there's too much snow on the roof ', I thought, 'Maybe Rusty is underneath a snowbank!' I began to put two and two together when I saw the large shovel leaning up against one of the outside walls. It seemed clear from the trails in the snow that someone had been clearing snow off of the roof. Rusty had been brought in from the cold. Yay Rusty!

But wait! Something looked different other than the obvious change in season from one photo to the other. Could it be? No! I don't want to believe something that terrible could have befallen Rusty! As I looked on in horror at the photo and Rusty's absence, I felt a twinge of despair go through me.

There's a gang tag just above the roof line that wasn't there before. Had Rusty been kidnapped, or even worse, come down off the roof to enter a life of crime. If any 10 inch paw-print graffiti sprouts up in the area, I'll have my answer.


angèle said...

Oh my goodness! I will miss him. I remember gazing at him when trying to find the creative in me and searching for the 'big idea'.

Kenton Larsen said...

Curse you - I was going to write this one. Ha, ha! Well, you did a great job. And I'm very sorry to see our friend has flown the coop.

Jeff Ward said...

And to think we spent all that tax payer money on the "Keep Kids out of Gangs" campaign. Now we know exactly where the money should have gone.

Alexa said...

I'm glad you noticed! this is really disturbing, is rusty safe? or has he been thrown to the streets?!

Adam Smitzniuk said...

As sad as Rusty's dissapearance is, I like to think that it wasn't a gang of ruthless thugs, but rather the laziest hiding place for a toddler's Christmas present.

Melanie Lee Lockhart, APR said...

Say it ain't so, Rusty!

In related news (as it relates to the view from that same window), I plan to submit a photo of the "Easy Move" moving company sign next door to that building to the Blog of Unnecessary Quotation Marks. I suspect they're suggesting it's not an easy move at all.