Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Kraken's had some work done.

I was a mere lad of 12 when the first Clash of the Titans movie played on the big screen. I use the term "big" loosely as the movie screen in my hometown of Esterhazy was, and still is, small by today's standards. As a boy on the edge of teendom, the characters in the 1981 version were still as large and realistic as life itself.

This post can't be a review or comparison of the 2010 version of Clash of the Titans as this remake isn't scheduled to be released until April 2. I'm sure the movie will look amazing (probably right up there with a movie like 300) and I think a comparison at this stage of moviemaking would be unfair to the original version. Just one look at the movie posters and you can see how far art departments have come in poster design. "An Epic Entertainment Spectacular" claimed the 1981 poster compared with "The Clash Begins in 3D" in 2010. How can it compete with that?

I chuckle at the somewhat broad description for the 1981 version release date of "Clash". "Coming For the Summer of 1981," compared to the 2010 poster, "April 2". Likely there's been a buildup campaign for this latest version of "Clash" and they may have had versions of posters in 2009 saying something to the effect of "Spring 2010", but I think it's charming how the 1981 poster kinda throws out such a general movie release date. How times have changed.

For me, it would have been kind of neat to see Harry Hamlin (Perseus from the 1981 version) come back to play a role for the 2010 remake. Not a major role like Zeus or anything, just so there was a connection to the original in some way. But I guess if someone as charismatic as William Shatner couldn't land a role in 2009's Star Trek, Harry didn't have a chance.


Cyn said...

I like the original poster better, because it is brighter in colour and gives more details with the pictures. Plus, nothing beats the original Kraken! The new Kraken looks more alien than sea monster.

Greg M. Berg said...

Both of these creatures seem to have drawn inspiration from somewhere else. The old Kraken looks like a version of Godzilla while the new one looks something like the alien from Cloverfield.

Kenton Larsen said...

I saw the original in the theatre the first day it came out. 'Twas the poster!