Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh summer, where art thou?

No, the title of this post is not the name of an upcoming Cohen brother sequel to, "Oh brother where art thou," just my attempt at being clever.

I've been waiting for the right time to post this juxtaposition (a mere seven months to be exact) due to the change in seasons that was required. I think it makes a cool photo, but I have to admit it's left me lonesome for summer.

These photos are of a clematis vine Heidi and I planted near the fence in our side yard. The clematis didn't grow the first year as it was establishing its roots. My wife thought the plant was dead and considered replanting something else, but I convinced her to be patient. Plants sometimes need time to grow, but when they decide to take off, they do it in quick fashion. Once the new growth shot out of the soil, the stem climbed the fence perfectly, blooming to what you see here.

As bleak as the winter photo looks, the perennial nature of the clematis ensures it will be back again this summer. I may tinker with this flower bed in June and plant in a white climber of some sort. I think it would punch up the purple colour making it look even more brilliant.

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