Saturday, March 27, 2010

It is, "A Dog's Life"

In one of the final projects for Broadcast Production, CreComm students have to complete a video montage set to a song of our choice before semester's end. I finished this project last night allowing me to enter our media award competition, the CCMA's.

This assignment was a joy to make even though it meant locking myself in a video edit suite at the college for many hours in order to piece all the clips together. I am pleased with the results. Many of my classmates are busily preparing their own montages (and maybe some are completed as well) and I wish them the best of luck and I hope they have as much fun as I did creating my short little video.

Below is one of the clips that didn't make the cut. All told, I logged and captured 348 clips to fit into a song that was a little over two and a half minutes long. I had plenty to choose from, but much of the footage was never used. I probably have enough clips to create two more videos without duplication. In making this video, I realize even more how much I enjoy the love of these two little dogs and how much I in turn love them. The cat too of course...

I'll upload the entire video to YouTube in about three weeks once the video has been marked by my instructor Dean Cooper, judged by the CCMA panel, and viewed by my peers.

1 comment:

Zach Samborski said...

This should be an awesome video. Looking forward to seeing the whole thing!