Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blogger, you've tricked me...

In my effort to be engaged and fulfill my class requirement of blogging, I started my second weblog on Friday, September 11th. (the blog directly below this one) I held it in 'draft' status as I anticipated the complete blog would not be ready for a few days. Feeling it was ready last night, September 14th, I posted the blog with the hope of eliciting laughs from those who read.

Much to my surprise did I see
when the blog entered 'the realm of all blogs'
the date of September 11th staring back at me.
Blogger, you tricky young rogue.
Of what usefulness is 'draft'
when you pull words back
dated three days past?

Okay, not perfect rhyme but I think that's how people vented a long time ago. They put quill to paper and let the ink fall where it may.

Me, I'll just word process from now on and paste it to this blog later. Lesson learned.


Desiree said...

I'm in the same boat, too..lesson learned.

Kenton Larsen said...

That's one of my least favorite things about Blogger.