Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Already year two? Much to do, much to do...

A person really needs to enjoy any down-time he or she has as it always comes to an end. My relaxing summer is now over and I am back at Red River College with a full slate of assignments surely heading my way.

With new beginnings also brings a new look to my blog, 6' and Holding. The picture of my two dogs that would normally greet you when you visited this site has been put to rest. Rest assured, they are doing fine and at the moment are adjusting to a new cat in our home. I've redesigned the header to give it a professional look and replaced the background with something more appealing. The content will change as well. If you've followed my blog, I've tried to stay true to providing examples of juxtaposition that I've found around me or produced. It was a fun experiment, but I want to put it to rest to explore my more personal side.

6' and Holding will continue as opinions on issues in my life and the world from a distance. This will likely not stray too far from what many traditional bloggers write, but the aim is to provide insight into who I am and the man I aspire to be. I hope to keep your ear during this transition, but I will always stick to my first rule; keep the content interesting.

Always feel free to let me know if my aim stays true.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I'd say your new look is fantastic! With better 'packaging' you'll draw many to your blog in addition to those who have already been reading your posts.

All the best, Greg!