Thursday, September 23, 2010

Myths, tiffs, and My iPhone 4

I have to admit I'm not much of a gadget-head, but I was really excited when the iPhone 4 was released in Canada. So much so that last August I waited in line for eight hours to buy one at the Apple Store in nearby Winnipeg.

Yeah, you read that right. Eight hours.

I needed an upgrade anyway, so I thought I would treat myself to the latest in technology. I had heard all the hype about the iPhone 4's dropped calls, signal interference, and unreliability, but I decided to risk it and drop the cash on an iPhone 4 just the same.

Now, there was a bit of a campaign against the iPhone 4 and Steve Jobs when the problems I mentioned entered the media spotlight. His competitors had a heyday saying that the iPhone 4 was useless at the one thing it should do easily; that is, being a phone. I watched the live online conference as Steve Jobs addressed all the purported issues with his latest toy. He played the situation very cool, talking sensibly about the problems his team had found and the seriousness of the claims. He said that the signal issue problem was one that other smart phone makers have too as everyone tries to fit all their parts into smaller designs. He played down the seriousness of the problem and made a good P.R. move by giving iPhone 4 owners a free case of their choice to correct the issue.

After having my iPhone 4 for over a month now, deliberately trying to drop a call by holding the phone in the so called "death grip", my iPhone 4 has yet to fail in its service to me. That's not to say anyone else did not have a legitimate issue with this device, but I am not one of them. The only time I've had a concern is once when my ear touched the "mute" button on the touchscreen, and the conversation became a one-way communication by accident.


Just the same, I took advantage of Apple's free phone case. I downloaded the app for it and three weeks later a friendly Purolator delivery person dropped it off at my door. Why not, right? It's free, and if I happen to drop the phone, it has a better chance of surviving the fall unscathed. I could get into all of the iPhone 4 features and how much I enjoy using it, but all that kind of stuff you can find on Apple's website.

For now, the iPhone 4 can add me to the list as a happy customer.


Jasmine Tara said...

I agree. Steve Jobs did a great job in convincing people the iphone 4 was still the best phone you could buy. I still want one and am ready for a hardware upgrade! But yeah, iphones are wonderful <3

Kenton Larsen said...

I find that the dropped calls happen in the US, where you've got 15 million people all trying to use the same service at the same time.

Greg M. Berg said...

Yeah, no doubt! Americans outnumber us canucks quite handily. It would be interesting to know the number of people using smartphones in the US compared to Canada.