Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Web Awaits

Some of my past assignments in Web Design struck fear in the heart of this man (sorry for the second-person reference). Between all the new lingo I had to interpret (divs, AP divs, tags, ID's, padding), sometimes my brain felt like it was idling at 60 km/h when it should have been cruising at 100. I received a "B" on my last assignment for web design, so I'm not totally lost in the woods. But I want to knock my next assignment, "out of the park."

This will be the last assignment that our instructor gives us. I really want to have a strong finish for this course and for the program. The website is meant to be a portfolio for our work. In our previous class we were encouraged to look at other websites to get design inspiration from. There must be over a million websites out there by now, but here are a few that got my attention.

When my site is complete, I will take screen-shots of the finished product for you to see. If I'm not mistaken, the assignment needs to be done by April 7.

Come check it out when the time comes!

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